Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Year In Review

Three hundred and sixty four days ago I turned forty-nine and started this blog. The whole aim of the blog was to set myself a challenge that, while doing, would prevent me from slipping into a 'woe is me--I'm so old' mentality. And on that, I can say I succeeded. No, I didn't hit the magical number of fifty in all my categories. And I'm okay with that. My challenge, my grading scale.

To summarize:

I read way beyond my targeted fifty books, although I nowhere near hit twenty-five classics. Classics are time consuming. Sometimes very beautifully descriptive, but not a quick read. It can take them a whole chapter describing what a meadow looks like, and I must admit my mind wanders a bit to my grocery list, or some other task that needs doing. I also discovered speed reading the Bible is probably not likely to confer upon one wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. I proceed along with this at a more prayerful and respectful pace.

I have truly enjoyed visiting new places. The sense of curiosity I felt as I ventured into a new place was, in a way, childlike. And it didn't matter if it was a gift store or a restaurant or a hiking trail. It was new to me and I delighted in the discovery.

In the foods eaten category--I did my best. The difficulty came in trying to find something new to try. I wanted to try foie gras, but couldn't find a restaurant nearby that served it. I have to admit, in my kitchen right now is tofu (no I've never eaten it), seaweed (had sushi maybe once) and sake. Even if I went right now and sampled those three, I still would not reach the fifty. But hey, I tried. And I know that in the future, I will say yes to weird foods, as long as they are gluten free. And not too stomach turning. I mean, really, there's a sense of adventure and then there's just plain disgusting.

The things learned category was actually the hardest to quantify. I suppose I could go to the dictionary right now and find a handful of words I didn't know and top off the list, but what's the point? What I discovered is that as long as you push yourself into uncharted territory, learning happens. I didn't know last October that I would be a chicken owner. All the learning involved with that alone I feel allows me to say sure, I've learned fifty things.

And now onto contests. I see these contests in magazines and hear about them on the radio, and
wonder, does anyone ever really win any of those? And the answer to that is YES. I have known people who have entered and won contests. I haven't personally, but I have come close. And so it is with great humility that I announce that I was a finalist in the Vlasic Pickle contest. And the winner of $100. I found out this morning, and what a fitting and slightly weird way to end this year.

For those of you who have stuck it out with me on this journey, I thank you and ask you to check back to this site in the future. I haven't yet determined what direction to take the blog, but you all will be the first to know. Till then keep dancing.


  1. Oh my big Sis--how I admire you!! And congratulations on the pickle win! It has been a pleasure to read this blog and enter into your world that which you want us to know. Have the happiest of Birthdays--I am there in spirit! Love you

  2. Ro,
    Happy to have you join the club! It's really not that bad turning 50.
    Happy Birthday to you and Randy!

    I love your blog...keep writing.


  3. Oh Mom! What a year! There were a lot of things you didn't know would be happening 364 days ago, weren't there? :)

    The kids are so excited about your Vlasic Pickle win. :) They want to know what you'll do with the $100, so you better come up with something good, because "save it" will soooo not be in line with the wild spontaneity described on this blog. ;)

    "What I discovered is that as long as you push yourself into uncharted territory, learning happens." I agree 100%- you're singing my educational philosophy song here. :)

    HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We love you so very much. Wishing you the best of birthdays tomorrow.

    With love and hugs,

  4. Hey, Rosanna --

    Happy Birthday! It seems like just yesterday you were 49. Ha,ha.

    I have enjoyed reading your blog. I especially liked when you were learning about chickens. (And thanks for sharing the eggs.)

    Congrats on the pickle win. Yipee!


  5. Rosanna, it has been a fun year. What a great idea! You did great with your challenge. And a huge congrats on the pickle contest!!!

    Happy Birthday little sis.

  6. I'm inspired by you (since I'm next to pirouette) and happy that you won a contest! How fun! I hope you continue with the adventures and the blog. Love you!

  7. Sorry I'm so late to post. (My eyeball has gotten me behind on my blogs!) it's been a blast to follow you through the year. You've motivated me to make a big goal for the big 50. :-) did you find some glutton free birthday cske?
