I've been trying for quite some time to be more aware of just being present in my life. Not waiting for something. And it's funny, when you are in that heightened sense of awareness, things stand out at you. You notice the feel of the sun on your skin--not unusual for me as I move my lawn chair clear across the grass or driveway to continue to be in the path of the setting sun--or the smell of someone down the street setting off their leftover fireworks.
Then there are things that even a totally dense person would notice. Like coming home from having your hair cut in the morning and seeing your husband in the backyard with livestock. Oh, not the livestock that you know you own, like chickens. But much bigger livestock that you had never in your wildest dreams thought you'd see in your backyard. Like COWS!! But such is the fabric of my life.
We are at full on wedding central mode at my house with ribbons and ring bearing pillows and cases of wine, and we have cows in our backyard!! An hour or so of munching and a couple of phone calls to neighbors (who really do you call when you have cows in your backyard?) and one extremely large pile of cowpie, and the intruders were off from whence they came.
And in all the hullabaloo I almost forgot to mention that one of our lovely ladies came of age on Monday the 12th and left us a fine gift. Our very first egg. And that's our life, folks. Crazy and a bit surreal, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I would love to see a cow in my backyard!
ReplyDeleteThat is too funny!! Only you, Ro. And the egg is beautiful. Did you and Randy share it? was it yummy? (that was a really big cow)
ReplyDeleteOriginally there were four cows, I only saw three. And we got another tiny egg today, so there are probably two hens laying. Have not eaten them yet. It almost seems wrong--like maybe I should frame them!
ReplyDeleteI laugh out loud every time I picture you coming home to find dad in the backyard with cows. I mean, what was he doing? Flailing his arms? Growling? Shoo cows!! Too funny.
ReplyDeleteMakes me remember my 7th grade prank calls.
ring ring
"Hello, your cow's in my yard."
"I don't have a cow."
"I don't have a yard."
LOVE the cow shot. I left our gate open and had several teenage calves in the yard the other day. Cute, but hard on the garden. :-) Congrats on the first egg.