Monday, May 17, 2010

The Big Move

Late Saturday afternoon we moved the chickens into their new home. It was fairly easy to catch the first two, but then word got out and the other ten huddled out of reach, squawking and flapping their wings, requiring much kneeling in poop and entering a two foot high cage (by my husband) to catch the rest. We carried them two by two, then four by four in their original plastic tote condo (two joined together with a pass-through) and set them free in chicken heaven--their new outdoor space. It is ten by twenty feet and a little ramp access chicken door leads to their indoor house, which is nine by six with four nesting boxes and a two-level perch.

They loved the outdoor space but avoided the ramp and the ominous dark space beyond like they'd seen it on an episode of the Twilight Zone. It was getting late and we were beyond tired. Like all parents we were anxious for them to go to bed. We hung their old heat lamp in hopes that it would be a familiar and comforting sight and act as a chicken night light but when that didn't work we resorted to chasing them again and heaving them in. Gently, of course. And then we spent the rest of the evening worrying that they were flailing about crushing each other. We set the clock for five a.m. and went out and opened the chicken door to let them out. They were sound asleep but made an appearance later that morning. That night it took awhile but all of them made it inside without any aerobics on our part. A peaceful night was had by all.


  1. Wow!!! That is way more elaborate than I pictured you building. I am impressed. You guys are hardcore chicken farmers now.
